St. Bernard Parish School Board’s Lions Club Golf Tournament

Nearly a decade ago, The St. Bernard Parish School Board charted a local Lions Club with the mission to serve the children of St. Bernard Parish. The Club supports an array of programs including the Lions Eye Foundation, Project Graduation, and Relay for Life.  The Club also provides emergency funds for families within the school system.

To help raise awareness and funds for the Lions Club, its 10th annual Golf Tournament will take place at Oak Harbor Golf Course in Slidell on Saturday, April 7 starting at 11:30 A.M.  Last year, 19 teams participated and raised over $6,000.00.

Individual golfers are $95.00 and teams are $380.00. Sponsorship opportunities are available and donations for the “Parade of Prizes” are more than welcomed. Information regarding participation and sponsorship can be found by visiting or by calling Paul Granberry at 504-818-8932.
