St. Bernard Parish Government to update its RESTORE Act Multiyear Implementation Plan

St. Bernard Parish Government is in the process of updating its RESTORE Act Multiyear Implementation Plan (MIP), which includes a number of coastal and economic development activities that are intended to mitigate the impacts of the BP Oil Spill. 

The original MIP was approved in 2017 and is now being amended for the second time. The most recent proposed amendments to the MIP are available for public comment through March 25, 2019. All related documents may be accessed at or in-person at the St. Bernard Parish Government Complex (8201 W. Judge Perez, Chalmette). A summary of the proposed amendments is also provided below:

  • Property acquisition valued at up to $250,000 (contingent upon actual fair market value) has been added to the proposed Shell Beach Fishing Complex project;
  • A total of $250,000 has been deducted from the proposed Central Wetlands Unit Bike Path project. The reduction will be necessary to accommodate the above project at Shell Beach; and
  • Project milestones have been updated throughout the MIP. 

Please forward any questions regarding the MIP to John Lane at
