The Company is excited to announce the Drama Llamas summer production of Disney’s The Lion King Jr. Registration for this production will take place on Tuesday, May 16th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at St. Bernard Baptist Church, 2615 Jacob Dr. in Chalmette. The program is free and is open to children ages 5-14.
The Company wanted to create a program in which no one is excluded. “Not every school has the ability to have a drama club and some home-schooled students are missing out on the opportunity to perform as well,” Carol Ortego, The Company board member, said. Last year’s kids were a mix of public, private, home school, and special needs. “The musical performance of Seussical The Musical Jr. was a success and we are sure this will be as well,” Ortego said.
Rehearsals will be Monday through Wednesday from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Performance dates will be Friday, June 30th and Saturday, July 1st at Lynn Oaks. There will be more information as the performance gets closer.
The Company is currently offering positions to volunteer for the Drama Llama’s production. “As we are a non-profit organization, this is a volunteer opportunity only. We welcome any who would like to help,” Ortego said.
Come on out to get more information and register your child. For more information e-mail or visit The Company: St. Bernard Theatre Company on Facebook.