St. Bernard Parish Government has begun construction of a new trail along Palmisano Blvd. between St. Bernard Highway and Judge Perez Drive. The trail is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in conjunction with drainage improvements along Palmisano currently underway. In addition, the Parish received a $154,700 grant from the Murphy Oil CyPres Committee to install the trail including pedestrian crossings, connections, landscaping, signage, and related improvements that will help to provide a safe pathway.
The 10 ft. wide concrete multi-purpose trail will be suitable for walkers, joggers, skaters, bicyclists, and other non-motorized transportation users. Parish President Guy McInnis stated he is looking forward to this new trail to improve access to Chalmette High School, the Parish Library and connect with the Palmisano bicycle route improvements installed earlier this year. He also thanked St. Bernard Parish School Board for working with the Parish on connections to the school campuses. Construction is expected to be completed within the next three months
This is the first Bikeway trail project to start construction since the Parish adopted its new Bikeway and Pedestrian Plan Update in June. The new Parish Plan is on the parish website ( under Public Information/Bikeways and Trails) and outlines a number of future improvements to be completed over the next 10 years.
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