Louisiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Bernette Joshua Johnson is pleased to announce that the 40th annual conference of the National Association of Counsel for Children was held in New Orleans from August 10-12, 2017. Hundreds of practitioners from across the country learned from experts in child welfare, juvenile justice and family law during this event, which followed a full day of optional specialized child welfare law training. The Chief Justice was among those recognized at the conference for her participation on the Louisiana Child Protection Representation Commission.
The Commission was established in 2014, upon the recommendation of the legislatively-created Task Force on Legal Representation in Child Protection Cases, to oversee the uniform statewide system of representation created as a result of 11 years of Task Force efforts. In addition to the Chief Justice, Commission members include Department of Children and Family Services Secretary Marketa Walters, Louisiana State Bar Association President Dona Renegar, Judge Anastasia Wiley (President of the Louisiana Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges), Senator Rick Ward (Chair, Senate Committee Judiciary A) , Representative Ray Garofalo (Chair, House Committee on Civil Law and Procedure), Rep. Barbara Carpenter (Legislative Women’s Caucus), Becky Hollen (Louisiana District Attorney Association), and Richard Pittman (Louisiana Public Defender Board).