Four St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies graduated Jan. 21 from a 92-hour Corrections Division course in Peace Officers Standards and Training, or P.O.S.T., St. Bernard Sheriff James Pohlmann said.
The corrections course, which helps better prepare deputies to work in a prison environment or Juvenile Detention Center, covers topics such as defensive tactics, booking procedures, report writing, and the use of force lesson plans. Deputies also are trained in the use of pepper spray, which includes each officer being pepper-sprayed in order to learn firsthand about its effects.
The course, held at the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office Training Center in Chalmette, was led by instructors Capt. Dennis Morgan, Lt. Kyle Brown, Sgt. Brandon Lewis, Lt. Jodie Couture, Sgt. Rosalyn Warren and Dep. Darlene Ricks of the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division.
St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office deputies who were graduates of the class are Dep. Jacob Johnson, Dep. Seth Kuchler, Dep. Roger Cox, and Dep. Jayson Serpas.
Dep. Kuchler achieved a perfect score on the POST Corrections final exam.