The College’s Honor Society Will Support the Newly Re-Launched Community Organization Year-Round
Chalmette, LA—Members of Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society at Nunez Community College gathered donations of nonperishable food items from students, faculty, and staff this week for the Community Center of St. Bernard (CCSB). On Thursday, Nov. 17, Kim Nunez, vice chair of the board of the CCSB, visited the College to collect the donated items. The CCSB will be coordinating Thanksgiving food distribution to those in need in advance of next week’s holiday through Trist Middle School. In addition to facilitating these Thanksgiving donations, Gamma Beta Phi at Nunez will be accepting nonperishable food donations year-round to support the CCSB.
“This is a win-win for our students and the Community Center,” said Becky Maillet, dean of student affairs at Nunez. “Our Gamma honor society students and scholarship recipients are always looking for community service opportunities. This is a natural partnership where our students can give service hours to organize food drives and greater community benefits too,” she continued.
After a temporary closure, the CCSB will be fully re-opening in December and will focus its services on hunger and literacy. The Center will start by assisting Louisiana residents with food distribution provided by Second Harvest, and St. Bernard parish residents needing assistance with food. Literacy programs, including financial literacy, will be added in the near future.
Gamma Beta Phi Society was chartered in 1964 in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Today Gamma Beta Phi has chapters across the country. The Society regularly inducts academically excellent students who share its mission of promoting education and providing community service. In recent years, The Gamma Beta Phi Society has supported various charities such as: St. Jude Children’s Hospital, the Heavenly Hats Foundation, and Heifer International. There are approximately 40,000 active student members of Gamma Beta Phi.
Nunez Community College is an open-enrollment comprehensive community college offering over 30 academic and technical programs. Registration for Spring 2017 is open now. Spring classes begin on January 17, 2017. Visit or call (504) 278-6467 to apply and enroll.