Angela Huff with COPS for Christmas, third from right spoke at the November meeting of the AARP Pakenham Chapter #3926. George Virga fourth from left presented Angela with a donation of $500 to the organization by the AARP club. Also pictured from left to right are Carolyn Constance, Dody Bayard, Cpl. Cindy Gioe, George Virga, Maj. Angie Huff, Dep. Darlene Ricks and Sgt. Shannon Cooper. Donations to COPS for Christmas can be made at the 911 communication building on West St. Bernard Hwy. The AARP club meets the fourth Saturday of the month, January through November at 10 a.m. at the Council on Aging, 8201-A W. Judge Perez Dr., Chalmette. La. Their next meeting is January 28, 2017. For additional information please contact George Virga, President at 504-278-1367.