Kiwanis Foundation Flood Relief Effort in Baton Rouge

Kiwanis Foundation Members presenting the calculators and sweatshirts were: Bob Buckley, Susie Showalter, Robby Showalter, Danny Bourgeois, Steve Fecke and Patrice Cusimano.

In August 2016, the Greater Baton Rouge Metropolitan area was inundated with over 20 inches of rain over a 72 hour period causing catastrophic damage to the entire region.  This event brought back vivid nightmarish memories to the Kiwanis Club of St. Bernard’s membership, having experienced the wrath of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005.

While Hurricane Katrina was horrific, there is one fond memory that several of our members still embraced to this day.  We remember the compassion, generosity and financial support extended by the very same residents who today are rebuilding their communities and lives as a result of the Great Flood of 2016.  Specifically, in late 2005 the leadership within today’s impacted flood area hosted a gala fundraising event to benefit our public school system.  It was a beautiful event in a time when most needed.  The Kiwanis Club of St. Bernard felt it was our Time and Opportunity to “Give Back.”   

The Kiwanis Club contacted Denham Springs High School and Live Oaks High School to assess what we could do as a club to help with their rebuilding.  Currently Denham Springs High School is sharing time at Live Oaks High School with the goal for the rebuild at Denham Springs High School after the first of the year.  It was decided to use funds in our Coats for Kids Kiwanis Foundation Endowment to furnish 300 sweatshirts in the school colors.  We also funded from other endowed funds enough to purchase 300 calculators.

On Thursday, November 17, members of the Kiwanis Foundation brought the 300 calculators and 300 sweatshirts to Live Oaks High School and presented these to the students.  The schools were very appreciative of the effort and appreciated the compassionate outreach by our members.

Pictured are the above named members along with the students of Live Oaks High School and Denham Springs High School.

Pictured are the above named members along with the students of Live Oaks High School and Denham Springs High School.
