Women’s Professional Network Coffee Meet & Greet at Café Aquarius

image3The Women’s Professional Network welcomes women throughout St. Bernard Parish and Greater New Orleans to join in the first event of the year. Café Aquarius will be hosting the first Coffee Meet & Greet on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 from 8am-9:30am. Coffee and pastries will be available for purchase.

The event is open to both Chamber and Non-Chamber members free of charge.

 Additional Information:

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/682212871957918/

St. Bernard Chamber Calendar: http://business.stbernardchamber.org/events/details/women-s-professional-network-coffee-meet-greet-632

 Café Aquarius Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Cafe-Aquarius-199600357104598/?fref=ts


Women’s Professional Network is a committee of the St. Bernard Chamber that provides a variety of networking opportunities to female business owners and professionals.  Through the support of the St. Bernard Chamber, WPN hosts frequent socials that are open to both Chamber and Non-Chamber members at low cost.
