Shine Productions, will hold a “Shine Variety Show” for a good cause on Friday, March 31 at 7:30 p.m. with all proceeds benefiting the literacy and food bank initiatives for The Community Center of St. Bernard. The show will take place at the Docville Farm and promises to be a fun fundraiser. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Cafe Aquarius in Chalmette or by calling (504) 301-8770.
Barry Lemoine and the Shine Productions’ troupe are organizing this event to help others and showcase the local talent. “The fundraiser will help in the Community Center’s mission to feed hungry families and hungry minds through nutrition and literacy,” Lemoine said.
Lemoine said the show will be fun, fast, and sometimes poignant. “The show will also showcase the beginning of a new work, “A Love Song to St. Bernard Parish,” with a monologue performed by Will Schnedier and accompaniment by the band Cypress Pop Trio.” The Silver Linings, a senior singing and acting group will also debut.
The variety show is an homage to Shine Productions earlier days as a fledgling company when Shine would hold “Friday Night Live” variety shows on the first Friday of every month at Nunez Community College. “That was 15 years ago, and now there is so much new talent to showcase in St. Bernard,” Lemoine said. “It will be fun and nostalgic and something St. Bernard folks should enjoy it.”
This evening of music, comedy and dance featuring some of St. Bernard’s best local talent, such as Will Schneider, Krystal and Keith Gonzales, Cypress Pop Trio, David Hennessy, Annelise and Arianna Cassar, Jack Jackson, Sara Felt, Pam Wegenner, the members of the Silver Lining Singers, Abagail Coker, Elena Ozuna, and several surprise guests.
Community Center vice chair, Kim Melerine said they are appreciative of the community support since the center has reopened. “The variety show will be a night to come together and have some fun and fundraise. All proceeds will help those in need in our community.”
“A special thank you to Shine Productions for putting this together and the Meraux Foundation for hosting this event,” Melerine said.
For more information visit Shine Productions or The Community Center of St. Bernard on Facebook or call (504) 301-8770.
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