While other housing stats are starting to cool, experts say St. Bernard is booming! According to local Real Estate Expert Wade Ragas, growing consumer confidence is behind three years of rising home prices in St. Bernard Parish. Much of the recent excitement is due to “Sold on St. Bernard” a unique housing initiative that’s bringing in new homeowners from areas like Lakeview and Bywater. These buyers were priced out of New Orleans and are finding that beautiful, affordable homes and an incredible quality of life are available right next door in St. Bernard!
A press conference was held March 30th at the Corner of Center & Patricia Street in Arabi, LA. The public enjoyed live music, food & drink as well as tours of completed and nearly completed homes and viewed available lots. “There is so much happening in St. Bernard from the unique house building program to the Old Arabi redevelopment, the influx of new restaurants, galleries and shops,” says Parish President Guy McInnis. “With great schools, recreation for the entire family and safe neighborhoods, St. Bernard our amazing quality of life is no longer a secret, and we are so happy to see this positive growth.”
For more information contact Ray Doran in the St. Bernard Community Development Office at (504)-278-1002 or rdoran@sbpg.net or visit www.soldonstbernard.com.