Nunez Offers Fast Lane Mini-Mester

Missed the beginning of the Spring 2019 semester? Nunez Community College will be offering a Fast Lane 2 mini-mester session beginning on Monday, March 25, 2019. Registration for the eight-week mini-mester is open now and will remain open through the start of classes in March. 

“Fast Lane courses are complete classes offered in half the usual time. With our condensed sessions, students can plan to start or continue their education now,” said Tonia Loria, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.

In addition to a regular 16-week semester, Nunez offers two eight-week Fast Lane mini-mester sessions each fall and spring. By scheduling courses this way, Nunez can accommodate students who want to complete their programs more quickly. Starting Fast Lane 2 half-way into the regular spring semester also creates another enrollment period for students who missed the traditional start of the semester. Financial Aid available to those that qualify.

For a full listing of Spring 2019 Fast Lane courses and to enroll, go to or call 504-278-6467. Many Fast Lane courses are also offered online.  

Nunez Community College is located at 3710 Paris Road in Chalmette.
