The St. Bernard Chamber of Commerce with St. Bernard Parish Government and Tri-Parish Works is proud to announce the return of Spotlight St. Bernard: St. Bernard Chamber Business Expo & Job Fair on September 5, 2019, from 3:00 pm-7:00 pm at the Val Riess Recreation Complex.
Last held in 2016 as The St. Bernard Chamber Business and Community Expo, this year’s event offers local businesses and job seekers the opportunity to see what St. Bernard has to offer to both companies and employees.
Once the biggest annual trade show in St. Bernard Parish, this reinvigorated event is aimed for business to business networking and community exposure. Representatives from a wide range of industry, including non-profits, food service, refineries, transportation, hospitality and more, will be on hand to interact with the community and answer questions. Parish President Guy McInnis will be present along with other representatives of local and Parish government.
Hiring companies will also be available to meet prospective employees. As the event draws nearer, the list of exhibitors, with hiring companies indicated, will be available on the Chamber’s Facebook page and Facebook event page. Interested applicants should follow the Facebook event page for updates. Attendees are encouraged to bring business cards and resumes for companies with whom they would like to connect.
Platinum-level sponsor, Silver Slipper Casino, and Hotel, will be on hand and three overnight stays with varying dining inclusions will be raffled to attendees at 5 pm, 6 pm and 6:45 pm. Participants must be present to win; tickets are $5 and available at the event. Stays are valued at $470 and $500.
Along with 80 exhibition booths, the 47,000-square foot massive multi-purpose building will also feature space for a networking social event and basketball shootout. Taking place after business hours and during the Expo, members of the St. Bernard Young Professionals (SBYP) and the Women’s Professional Network (WPN) will be on hand to meet the community and interact with new and potential members in a social setting sponsored by Cort Furniture. Both the SBYP and the WPN are initiatives of the Chamber, connecting members of their respective business communities with goals of outreach and networking. Val Riess will sponsor the basketball shootout, open to all, from 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm.
Located at 1101 Magistrate St. in Chalmette, Val Riess is the preeminent sports complex in St. Bernard parish with eight fields, large concession stands, clean bathrooms, shaded, fan-cooled bleachers for spectators, covered team benches, batting cages, and travel trailer parking. The Expo will be held in the Hall of Fame Center; on-site parking is available.
For more information and for exhibition or sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Chamber at