St. Bernard Parish Receives Improved Fire Insurance Rating

St. Bernard Parish Government and the St. Bernard Parish Fire Department has received notice of classification improvements for both Fire District 1 (Arabi to West of Violet Canal) and Fire District 2 (East of Violet Canal to Delacroix, Poydras, Reggio, St. Bernard and Yscloskey). 

Effective October 7, 2019, the Public Protection Classification of St. Bernard Parish Fire District 1 has improved from Class 3 to Class 2 and St. Bernard Parish Fire District 2 has improved from Class 4 to Class 2. All residential and most commercial properties within these fire districts will receive Class 2 rates. These ratings are St. Bernard Parish’s highest ratings ever. This rating is now referred to as a Community Rating, 10% 9-1-1 Operations, 40% Water Distribution and 50% Fire Department operations.” The new classifications may result in decreased fire insurance premiums. 

“This rating puts our department in the top seven percent of departments in the State of Louisiana,” said Fire Chief Thomas Stone. “We are very proud that we received perfect scores in all areas of department training.” 

This achievement has been accomplished due to continued improvements. The purpose of the survey was to gather information to determine the proper Public Fire Protection Classification for St. Bernard Parish Fire Districts 1 and 2. The classifications will be used by member companies of the Property Insurance Agency of Louisiana to develop fire insurance premiums. 

“My administration and our Parish Council have worked closely with Fire Chief Thomas Stone and our Fire Department in helping to improve services and the financial stability of the department,” said Parish President Guy McInnis. “We would like to thank Chief Stone, the Fire Department, St. Bernard Parish Government Employees as well as our Sheriff’s Department for continuing to move our parish forward.”
