Two St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies graduated Nov. 22 from the Peace Officers Standards and Training, or P.O.S.T., police academy held at the Slidell Regional Police Academy.
Graduates are: Dep. Matt Chiasson and Dep. Chris Battaglia.
Dep. Chiasson received an award for having the second-highest overall scholastic average in the class, and Dep. Battaglia received a physical fitness award.
The academy included more than 500 hours of training in all aspects of law enforcement, including firearms use, criminal investigation, patrol procedures, writing reports, driving training and physical fitness.
Sheriff James Pohlmann attended the graduation ceremony, along with Col. Adolph Kreger, Maj. Walter Dornan, Capt. Stephen Ingargiola, Dep. Trey Parks, and Dep. Aaron Johnson, who also serves as chaplain.