The St. Bernard Chapter of the Louisiana Volunteers for Family and Community, an organization under the auspices of the LSU Agriculture Center, instituted a scholarship program that began with the Fall 2010 school year. This program will be continued and four (4) $1,000.00 scholarships will be awarded for the Fall 2020 school year.
Since the SBVFC is an organization that seeks to promote volunteering in order to improve the lives of our community members and our families, the criteria for this scholarship highly emphasizes the student’s volunteer activities.
A graduating senior attending any metro New Orleans high school, who is a resident of St. Bernard Parish, is eligible. Please contact your high school counselor for a copy of the application or you may contact Lucy Ruffino, SBVFC Scholarship Chair at email:, or the LSU AG Center at 504-278-4234.
The deadline for applying is March 31, 2020.