[L-R]: St. Bernard Parish Coroner Greg Fernandez, MD and Kiwanis President Jeff Southerland.

Submitted by: Michael Chutz 

At the May 26 meeting of the Kiwanis Club of St. Bernard at Rocky & Carlos, Greg Fernandez MD, St. Bernard Parish Coroner, was the guest speaker. Dr. Fernandez had a PowerPoint presentation that illustrated the responsibilities of the coroner’s office here in St. Bernard. Cause of Death & Mental Health Commitment is two of the duty’s the Coroner performs. Dr. Fernandez reported that St. Bernard Parish had 40 Covid-19 deaths in 2020, with April having 15. Covid-19 was the 4th leading cause of death in 2020. (Cardiac/Respiratory at 120, Cancer at 70 & Other medical 65) 2021 has had 12 Deaths from Covid-19 and we pray the loss of life stops from this Virus. Improvements to the Coroner’s Office include adding investigators and updating their reporting system.
