Submitted by: Robby Showalter
At the July 27, 2021 meeting of the Kiwanis Club of St. Bernard Chancellor Tina Tinney of Nunez Community College along with Vice-Chancellor Katherine Lemoine was on hand to receive a scholarship check from the Kiwanis Club and Spirit of St. Bernard Foundation in the amount of $5,000.
This scholarship is due to several endowments established for scholarships to Nunez Community College. The Robert Buckley Scholarship Endowment is for students that are enrolled in any trade curriculum. The Merlyn and Rosemary Sentilles Scholarship Endowment is for students enrolled in carpentry or crafts. This endowment was established by Susie Showalter, daughter of Merlyn and Rosemary, in recognition of her parents’ trades in carpentry, woodworking, construction, and other crafts. The Jeffrey Scholarship Endowment is for students enrolled in the culinary arts program. This endowment was established by Patrice and Sal Cusimano in recognition of their late son whose career was in the culinary arts. Combined, these scholarships total $5,000 and are administered by Nunez Community College.