It was a morning of unity for the Chalmette High School Class of 2022 when it celebrated Ring Day. Over 400 seniors took part in this annual event and time-honored tradition of the district’s high school.
Held on the field of Bobby Nuss Stadium, this major milestone on the path to graduation commemorates the achievements, contributions, and leadership of this year’s senior class.
In her remarks to the graduates, Superintendent Doris Voitier acknowledged the challenges and changes this class has faced, but she also reminded them of the special memories that have been a part of the past four years.
“As we celebrate Ring Day, I ask you to remember the memories that led to this moment. Today is about more than just a piece of jewelry. It’s the symbolism behind the ring that we commemorate,” Voitier said.
After receiving their class ring, seniors walked through the ceremonial ring as families in attendance cheered and took photos.
This year’s ceremony was dedicated to the district’s theme of unity, and Voitier reminded everyone of the importance of seeing the good in things.
“I want you to know that there is good news around us. The love and compassion of our teachers and staff and the good work being done by our students each day truly are inspiring. And remarkable.”
Wayne Warner, principal of CHS, has taken part in 56 ring days and said each one holds a special place. “Every class has its own personality, and this year’s seniors have truly been inspirational. Despite the challenges, these Owls continue to soar. We are very proud of them,” he said.
Warner congratulated the seniors, reminding them of the importance of this celebration. “Seniors, the day is yours.”
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