Nunez Community College in Chalmette will host a Drone Mini-Camp in November for students in grades 3-8.
On Nov. 22 and Nov. 23 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Nunez’s STEAM Division will host up to 20 students at the Kane Building on the Nunez campus. Participants will design, build and test a drone using the Circuit Scribe Drone Builder Kit.
The cost is $100 per student. Students must bring their own lunch and must wear a mask.
Aftercare is also available both days until 5:30 p.m. for $20 per day per student. Aftercare students will work with the Spike Prime Robot.
To register your student, visit and fill out a Course Inquiry. Use the CRN 10591 for the two-day camp. To register for aftercare, submit an inquiry form for each day you wish for your student to stay late. Use CRN 10593 for Nov. 22 and 10592 for Nov. 23.
After submitting an inquiry form, parents or guardians will receive an email with instructions to submit fees. All payments are due by Nov. 5.
If you require additional assistance or have questions, contact STEAM Director Julie Rexford at 504-278-6427 or