Concerned Citizen Speaks Out

I’m writing this because of my concerns about people speeding on Genie St. West. There are no stop signs from Monisque to Sinclair St. It’s approximately 6 blocks. I’ve been trying to get something done about the speeding for over a year. Children wait on their school bus on Genie. I’ve called the sheriff’s office and I’ve called my councilman Nathan Gorbaty about getting some stop signs and speed limit signs installed. I was told by Mr. Gorbaty that the DOT has to survey the area. Well because of the lack of anything here to stop people from speeding, a 15 year old girl was struck by a car which also fled the scene. Is it going to take a child getting killed back here before something is done? I even made my own SLOW DOWN signs and was placing them in the street. It was working until a deputy made me move them. One morning I called the sheriff’s office and they sent a unit. The deputy clocked someone doing 40mph in a 20mph. If you can help me you may reach me at (504) 510-6795 or (504) 531-12330. Thanks!

Rickey Partridge
3609 Fenelon St
Chalmette Louisiana 70043
