St. Bernard Animal Shelter participates in All Paws Matter

St. Bernard Parish Animal Shelter spent a good part of the day on Saturday, November 12th at the “All Paws Matter” event that was held at Sidney Torres Park.  The shelter staff Kyle Menant, June Livicarri, Donna Miller, and Charlotte Luna, received help from Parish President Guy McInnis, Councilmembers Wanda Alcon and Howard Luna as well as the many wonderful volunteers.  Over 100 dogs received rabies licenses and vaccinations and about 50 were microchipped.

Dr. Liz Friedman who provides veterinary services to the shelter as well as LASPCA  doctors Dr. Gina Cheunk and Dr. Adrianna Smith spent the better part of their Saturday donating their time vaccinating and implanting microchips. “We love helping and we have a great time doing it,” said Dr. Adrianna.  St. Bernard Parish Animal Shelter couldn’t be more thankful for all their help.  It was a great day and everyone got to enjoy “All Paws Matter” as well as take advantage of some special services being provided for their pets.  As a bonus shelter dogs, Maisy and Black Jack, found new families while at the event.

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