The First Lady Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in Torres Park. First Lady Laurie and Parish President Guy McInnis would like families and friends to pack a picnic lunch, bring your children and the neighbor’s children to the park. Children from newborn to age 12 will enjoy a Good Ole Fashion Easter Egg Hunt that will include the Easter Bunny for you to take pictures, yard games and of course the Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Egg hunt will be divided among age and sections. Newborn-1, 2-4, 5-8, 9-12. The Easter Egg Hunt will take place at 11:30 a.m.
Paper bags will be located under the pavilion for the children to decorate and collect their eggs along with some refreshments. We will also have a DJ to provide great music and entertainment.
After the event, families are encouraged to go fishing in the pond and try out the paddle boats located in the back of the park. If you would like to volunteer please contact Denise Montalbano, Leisure Coordinator at

2016 Easter Egg Hunt. Photos by Lenor Duplessis.
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