Five reasons we all should support Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan

America’s WETLAND Issues Call to Support a Secure Future

Louisiana’s 2017 Coastal Master Plan goes before the legislature in a few weeks for approval of the largest ecosystem restoration program ever undertaken in the U.S. and the America’s WETLAND Foundation knows of at least five good reasons it deserves unanimous approval of our lawmakers and why everyone should support the plan.

5 Great Reasons to Support Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan:

  • The state’s coastal planning efforts build confidence for future federal investments and the assurance that large penalties directed our way, such as the monies from the Deepwater Horizon spill, will be put to immediate use.
  • A secure Louisiana coastline supports the majority of jobs in our state and finances all aspects of our state’s budget.
  • Huge investments being made in restoration are creating a new coastal industry that will result in thousands more jobs and will establish Louisiana as a global leader in coastal science and restoration and protection solutions. As other coastlines throughout the world face similar challenges, our status as a leader in these fields will pay dividends long into the future.
  • Pay now or pay so much more later. The faster projects get on the ground, the greater chance of stemming the land loss and the cost of inaction or even a slow down of action will cost billions more in the long run.
  • Louisiana’s coast – America’s Wetland – is essential to our nation’s economy, our livelihoods, our way of life and our very survival as a state.

King Milling, chair of the AWF, said, “Every citizen of Louisiana needs to express to his or her state representative and senator just how important this plan is to our entire state. These planning efforts are extraordinary – entirely based in science and vetted by thousands of people and businesses throughout the state. This is an opportunity for Louisiana to be first in the nation through an effort unparalleled to date. We all need to support the plan. Our future depends upon it.”
