St. Bernard Corporal graduates from POST Police Academy

St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office Corporal Johnny White graduated April 28 from the Peace Officers Standards and Training, or P.O.S.T., police academy held at the St. Charles Parish Regional Police Academy. At the graduation ceremony are, from left: Capt. Dennis Morgan, Cpl. Johnny White and Chaplain Aaron Johnson.

St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office Corporal Johnny White graduated April 28 from the Peace Officers Standards and Training, or P.O.S.T., police academy held at the St. Charles Parish Regional Police Academy.

The academy includes about 400 hours of training in basic police work, including firearms use, criminal investigation, patrol procedures, writing reports, driving training and physical fitness.

Representing the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office at the ceremony were: Capt. Dennis Morgan and Chaplain Aaron Johnson.
