With the start of Hurricane Season weeks away Parish President Guy McInnis urges residents to have a personal plan. Hurricane Season runs from June 1st thru November 30th and the parish has no shelter of last resort so residents should identify a safe place to go in the event of a storm. St. Bernard Parish is doing their part to get ready. St. Bernard Parish Government has generators at all parish facilities that have been tested and are fully operational.
The Lake Borgne Basin Levee District held operation/exercises at the three highways floodgates (Hwy 46, Hwy 300 (Bayou Road) and Hwy 39) and one railroad floodgate (Hwy 39). The gates were opened and closed to ensure that the systems are functioning property in the event of an emergency.
The Office of Homeland Security will hold a Critical Transportation Needs (CTN) Exercise on Wednesday, May 24th at the Civic Center. This program is designed to assist those in need of transportation during an evacuation and cannot self-evacuate due to lack of resources, transportation or medical conditions.
There will be a joint press conference on Thursday, June 1st at 10:00 a.m. at the Port of New Orleans. President McInnis, parish presidents from the surrounding areas, Emergency Management Directors and other state agencies will participate in the press conference.
Residents can sign up for Alerts where they would receive notification of severe weather notifications and other critical community alerts. Residents can also sign up for assistance with evacuating. Contact the Office of Homeland Security at (504) 278-4268 or online at www.sbpg.net, and then click on the Office of Homeland Security Logo. Both of these programs can be found on the right side of the page.

2016 Critical Transportation Needs Exercise. Photo by Lenor Duplessis.
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